Friday, September 17, 2010

Wanna Peek Inside?

 You've seen the about a peek at the inside?

Just look at it for a remember when you see inside a mouth you don't see the teeth roots..imagine where the gum line is... the upper curve is NOT her lip....its the upper jaw...Look now at the bottom jaw towards the back.....see it?  see where it looks like the bone was cut and there is an uneven part?  Yep, you are seeing right.  If I am not mistaken, that IS where the jaw was cut at an angle and "spliced" together.  The Dr. tells us that the bone will fill in and she will not have an "edge" to the bone. 
See the bright white dots on the bottom jaw?  Those are the screws...See the loops?  Ya, keep in mind those extend under her flesh and are attached just under her eye sockets....the base of those loops are just outside her inner, upper lip (check out the next picture)

So, did this upset your stomach or help you understand more of what went on? 

Pretty brave, huh? 

1 comment:

  1. Very Brave. Amazing testament to man's ability to learn (how to do surgery, etc) and the body's ability to heal. And of course, God's crazy creativity -- whoa!
