Wednesday, October 6, 2010

the Saga Continues

right before going to the Oral Surgeon for unwiring!
 It was going to be an exciting day!  We were all looking forward to this day.  I picked up Bailey after school and took her to the Oral Surgeon...

She endured more pain than she thought, got news that the skeletal wires will be in for another 3-4 weeks, and was disappointed in the way her teeth looked.  But she could open her mouth 2 CM!!

Afterwards we were sent over to the Ortho where she was hoping they would put a new brace wire back on (cuz she was wanting to close the gaps caused by the widening of her upper jaw).  The did the painful deed!

No pictures will be posted of what it looked like before the brace wire was put in per her request. 

I can tell you she looked white as a ghost from what she had just gone through.  But she sucked it up, got the wire from the Ortho on and felt better knowing the gaps would close up quicker.  She was now looking forward to SOLID FOOD!

Chipotle was being ordered and picked up! 

Solid food at last!!

Preparing for her first bite of solid food!


Here it comes!

"Look, MOM!  I'm using a FORK!!"

The Skeletal wires and screws will remain in another 3-4 weeks & she will have another 6 -7 months of braces.  Her mouth will look even more different by May! 
Just in time for Prom and Graduation!!  

Your entire family is behind you, Bailey - continue to lean on us and trust God!  He is been so faithful.

Now pictures of a few things she hasn't done in 8 weeks! 

Licking her lips and Sticking her tongue out!!!

(She also brushed her teeth for like 30 minutes!! LOL)


  1. I'm glad to hear things are progressing as planned... I cannot imaging not licking my lips for that long -- ahh the simple things in life that we take for granted.

    Thanks for the update.

  2. Hooray! Another milestone.
    You are looking great girl!

    P.S. I would have picked Chipotle too....or Lou's.

  3. YEAH YEAH YEAH! Way to go Bailey! You are such a trooper! So excited for you using a fork! Your lips must feel wonderful after so long of not licking them! Just remember if you lick your lips too much and around your lips, you will have some serious chap going on. Just sayin.
    Love ya!
