Monday, February 21, 2011

Taste of Heaven

There are some relationships in life that pass the test of time, distance and age. 

Kathy is one of those friends.

How wonderful it was to be able to share accomplishments together like
 doing something neither one of us thought we could do!

and even better to cheer her on and celebrate!

Spending time, making memories, sharing from the heart....transparency in the struggle, hurts, difficulties, pain and also the wonderful love and provision from our Father,
who's Grace comes in the form of friendships right when you need it...

That was this weekend for me!
Staying up late and talking, and talking and talking......

It was the icing on the cake when her kids threw their arms around me...
hugged me and cried when I left. 

 I miss them on a daily basis. 

They are in my heart just like their mommy. 

I miss you guys! 

Thank you Scott and Elliott - our two wonderful husbands that supported this girls' weekend and took care of things so we could connect.  You guys ROCK! 

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