Wednesday, January 19, 2011

 Molly Adore Freemire
Born 11:56 PM
20.5 "
8.2 pounds

     On January 18th, 1996 my precious Molly Adore was born.  She was an incredible gift to me and continues to bless me, stretch me, challenge me and make me smile...

     Molly's middle name is special to me.  You see, my deliveries of babies are hard...really hard.  Molly was a three (3) day labor.  She was induced.  I went into the hospital on Tuesday. She was born on Thursday at 11:56PM.

    After the 2nd day of labor on Pitocin and all back and leg labor I was discoraged.  I cried out to God for mercy.  I asked a nurse who she would trust for an see I had two previous epiderals that went horribly with my first two daughters.  I held out until that anesthesiologist got on duty.
     As the Dr. was doing the epidural I began to sing "Father, I adore You, lay my life before I love you...." I realized I was holding on to things in my life that I wasn't trusting God for...things like my independance, self-sufficiency, pride...things I needed to turn over to HIM!  I pictured myself approaching the Throne and laying those things at His feet.  I substituted these words in the song.  My heart was lighter, I was forgiven, I was before my Heavenly Father....He was giving me the strength I needed.  He WAS my strength.  I ADORE HIM!....ADORE....that song holds so much meaning for me...I used ADORE as her middle name.  I am reminded everytime I look at my beautiful Molly Adore of His love for me and that I need to continually lay my life before HIM and trust HIM.

Molly came home with me...she got Jaundice - a really bad case...She was put under lights - here she is all hooked up to the lights..she was so small she was in a Longaberger Basket all snuggled up.

 Molly - 3 yrs old and full of life, love, joy and personality!!  That only increased as she grew...

Molly Adore -
brave, adventuresome, stubborn, sure and strong...sometimes it gets her into trouble...

Molly Adore
She has a servant's heart and cheers for the she was serving Tea to us.  She happened to have a REALLY BAD CASE OF CHICKEN POX!!  She was such a trouper through that.  When she felt relief, like here, she was up and enjoying life!

Molly - always ready for a good time and adventure had no fear in so many things....She loved hanging out with daddy and being COOL was her middle name!

My Inspiration and reason I started running!

Our goofy kid!

Our Beautiful Baby Girl

Our Crazy out of the box thinker 

Determined and not afraid to face fears                              

She brings joy, love, laughter to my life and is my HERO!

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely blog about Molly. She is such a beauty! Always wondered about her middle name... different, I know. What a wonderful middle name
