Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Choices - and things out of my control

 God has been at work in my life...Even if I don't realize it.  I am stupid sometimes and stubborn and make bad choices.  Its a good thing that I have a God who is patient, loving, strong, able, wise, perfect and loves me more than anyone EVER could.  As I work myself though what this blog thing is all about I am sure that there will be many transformations.  For now, I am aiming for reflections of choices and impacts of those choices...good and bad.  Driving on the highway one has many choices; which exit, which direction, which lane, which speed, etc.  My life can, at times, be compared to that.  I am on a journey.  Which path will I choose, which stops will I make, what speed, you get the point...Life has a lot of choices.

I don't always make the best choices.  I make a lot of mistakes.  I never want to portray that my family, kids, life or me are in anyway without blemish or sin.  I am the worst when it comes to sin....that is why I love what was done on the cross for my sins so much.  I can live FORGIVEN and can forgive others in the same way....but back to the title of the day...

As I blogged about in a previous post, I have begun to get in shape and run. I am striving for a goal of losing 30 pounds and running a 5K by October.  A reasonable goal I think...that is until something out of my control happens.  For control freaks like me, that is hard.  Last week I ran 2 miles and was pleased with my time.  However, later that day I felt quite a bit of pain in my right foot.  We were walking around Chicago all day, so I tried not to think about it much.  I ran 2 miles again the next morning and felt pretty good.  No pain.  But, again, later in the day I was in a great deal of pain.  After getting a lot of advise from friends on Facebook I took Sunday off and went to the Dr. on Monday.  I have stiff Achilles and that has given me plantar fasciitis, and a spur has resulted.  I realize this is not a life sentence. It IS treatable. 

I wear a boot to help with the stretching of the Achilles.  I cannot run for 4-6 weeks - the same amount of time I will be in Physical Therapy.  So... I have a choice.  Do I sit around and sulk?  Do I complain?  Do I rest?  Do I cross train?  Do I do other things that can have a positive effect or negative effect.  I am choosing to cross train, do my PT and more, and to stay positive and on track for my weight loss and 5K.  I have a choice.  I am choosing to keep getting in shape and not let this set back get the best of me.  Thank you Linda and Claudia for the articles and encouragement!  It was a great help!

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