Thursday, September 16, 2010

Another week - behind her!

WOW!  I can't believe another week has gone by!  So much has happened in my life....that is a blog for another day, though. 

Amazingly enough, it is also one more week closer to Bailey being unwired!!

She just passed week 5 and is on the downward slope of the "being wired stuff".  She is still handling all this with so much grace.  At her Dr.'s appointment on Tuesday she was informed that the process of "being undone" will be a two or three step process.  In 3 weeks they will cut the wires and take out the splint.  They will put on rubber bands and she will begin to open and shut her mouth.  Then, in the next step they will be doing outpatient surgery to remove the skeletal wires and posts that were shown in a previous blog.  Two of the upper posts that you did not see in the previous pictures will remain in her mouth the rest of her life. 

As you can see from these pictures she is doing really well.  We are adjusting to her new look and I think so is she.  She really is a beautiful girl inside and out!

Bailey actually took these pictures one day from the SKYPE camera on the computer.  Now, you may be asking, why in the world is the computer in the dining room!?  Well, I redecorated the main floor office and we had to temporarily reassign the computer to the dining room on a small table until the office is ready for the rest of the furniture to be reloaded....but that, too is a blog for another time.  (It's almost finished!).

To quote Bailey after her last visit to the Surgeon, "I got this!"
 Bailey told us a story from her English class the other day....her teacher left the room for a short period of time.  After he left the room, a girl in the class took the opportunity to ask Bailey a question about her mouth and that started the rest of the class asking...then the teacher came back in and it turned into a "Q & A" time about Bailey!  She is NOT one who likes all that attention, but she IS one to feel confident and secure about who she is and what she is going through.  God has prepared her for such times as this.  She was able to articulate what is going on and why very well.  It was yet another time for her to display God's goodness to her. 

Like I said, she is an amazing young lady!! 

Later today I DO plan on posting pictures I took of the instruments she uses to eat. 
I promise those are coming....

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