Thursday, September 30, 2010

What a Beauty!!

 Molly's Got A New Look!

17 months...that's how much she aged in these pictures and how much it time it took to align her teeth. Seventeen months is not a long time - unless you are in braces!

The before picture was taken at the end of her 7th Grade year.  The after picture was taken after the start of her Freshman year!  Molly plays the trumpet (pretty well, if I have to say so myself), but has been discouraged while in braces that she lost some of her tone.  I heard her practicing last night and was very impressed with her range!  She got up there pretty high!  Way to Go! 


  1. Beautiful, like her momma, and her sisters.

  2. OK... I might be goin' "way out there" on this one but hear me out.... I'm an outsider who only sees you and your family once every few years so I dont have the advantage of REALLY seeing your girls (only in pictures) But... here's what I think, first of all I should say all your girls are beautiful and I agree with Cheri...."just like their mama". But here's what I think about Molly's new smile. FROM RIGHT UNDER HER NOSE TO THE BOTTOM OF HER CHIN, she has Amy's smile. So what do you think of that....I'm just sayin'

  3. You might have something there, Jackie.... and I wish I saw you MORE often. We need another Chicago trip complete with Taxi ride!
